The Jazz Butcher
Etc | Mailing List
[By Subject] [By Date] [By Sender]
- Northwest Findings Leah Nagely <nagelyl[at]-remove-ucs.orst.edu> (15)
- Waiting for the Bus edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (51)
- Buffalo Shame Edward Carter <edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk> (11)
- Hi There!!! <ez041954[at]-remove-bullwinkle.ucdavis.edu> (10)
- re-releases
- JB songs referring to previous songs
- The Gift of Music cd for sale Nancy Everson <everson[at]-remove-BBN.COM> (15)
- JB songs referring... George Heard <heard[at]-remove-postoffice.utas.edu.au> (15)
- Gift of Music CD is gone Nancy Everson <everson[at]-remove-BBN.COM> (6)
- Buying Things edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (24)
- What happened to...
- Sinful Beat compilation tape order form del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu (de l`abattoir) (36)
- Sci-fi references in the Jazz Butcher's songs
- WWW Sebastian Hagedorn <Hagedorn[at]-remove-spinfo.uni-koeln.de> (19)
- stuff and stuff del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu (de l`abattoir) (44)
- call for scanning assistance! del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu (de l`abattoir) (33)
talk of references
- racerx[at]-remove-cats.ucsc.edu (67)
David A Whittemore
-remove-ecn.purdue.edu>(22) -
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (14) - del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu (de l`abattoir) (6)
- edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (45)
de l`abattoir
-remove-ecn.purdue.edu>(58) - bertiev[at]-remove-aol.com (4)
- sheesh
- a different sort of reference Nancy Everson <everson[at]-remove-BBN.COM> (13)
- nitpicking m_cockerill[at]-remove-omega.lif.icnet.uk (Matt Cockerill) (17)
- talk of references (Pynchon) krevis[at]-remove-cco.caltech.edu (Kurt Allen Revis) (23)
- you can only blame yourselves... del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu (de l`abattoir) (18)
- JBC on the road Joe Nicholson <joen[at]-remove-sco.com> (12)
- HELLO GOOSENMK[at]-remove-ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (33)
- Tapes edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (32)
- new Jazz Butcher WWW Home. de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (18)
- domestic release of Waiting For The Love Bus Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (19)
- JBC Available in US bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.freenet.edu (Tim Connors) (24)
- WWW going public de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (21)
- A sandal in Bohemia... ez041954[at]-remove-chip.ucdavis.edu (Groper) (18)
- jbc cds Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (27)
- newspaper preview: Flagpole Magazine, Athens, GA April 22, 1992 de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- newspaper preview: The Province Vancouver, BC, Wednesday, May 27, 1992 de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- new stuff to WWW pages. de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (28)
- Pat on Robyn
- Creation/TriStar comp: Patron Saints Of Teenage de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (34)
- Pat & Robyn KBIGLIONE[at]-remove-delphi.com (10)
- Bonus songs bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.freenet.edu (Tim Connors) (56)
- JBC gig tonight at the Mean Fiddler Acoustic Room, London m_cockerill[at]-remove-omega.lif.icnet.uk (Matt Cockerill) (7)
- WFTLB Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (15)
- possible reissues Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (14)
- Pat's background
- Toronto Performer, (Canada) May, 1992 de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- The Ottawa Citizen, (Canada) Thursday, May 7, 1992 de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- Mean Fiddler: one to watch m_cockerill[at]-remove-omega.lif.icnet.uk (Matt Cockerill) (43)
- London gig... etc. edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (34)
- Select (UK), December 1991, by: David Cavanagh de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- Spiral Scratch (UK), October 1989, by: Dominic Mohan de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- The Newsletter Vol 1, #7 (Milwaukee, WI) July 16, 1988 by: Eric Beaumont de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- Far Out And Fishy (UK) #4, 1990 by: Chris Fish de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- Introdution / "Belgium" / JBC Net Alert smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.com (Steve Meats LDC 2392) (53)
- Conspiracy
- Hello... ei667[at]-remove-cleveland.freenet.edu (Nora Holden) (18)
- Letter From Pat: 13Apr94 de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (2)
- I don't know Ed Carter, honest. Cliff Lovelock <CLIFF[at]-remove-glg.edinburgh.ac.uk> (19)
Why is the JBC obscure?
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (20) - edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (28)
David A Whittemore
-remove-ecn.purdue.edu>(15) - edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (21)
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (20) - edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (26)
- mojo90210[at]-remove-com.aol (27)
- mojo90210[at]-remove-com.aol (28)
- edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk (28)
- racerx[at]-remove-cats.ucsc.edu (13)
Chris Camfield
- New JBC Newbie
- We Love You edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (28)
- JBC reissues! GOOSENMK[at]-remove-ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (11)
- JBC gig list - help!
- a couple of ramblings
- Titles bertiev[at]-remove-aol.com (11)
- Black Egg Live Debut / Lincoln Gig smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.COM (The Suburbs of your Mind) (15)
- Last bit. edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk (20)
- WFTLB the song Matt <m_cockerill[at]-remove-icrf.icnet.uk> (8)
- Comments on WFTLB
- The Love Bus is nearly here... George Heard <heard[at]-remove-postoffice.utas.edu.au> (37)
- Those Bakersfield / Sweet Water explanations in full ................ smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Lame Bananas for Geese) (32)
- Bakersfield bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) (44)
- Upcoming JBC/EG shows de l`abattoir <del> (53)
- More rumblings Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (23)
- Bakersfield lyrics
- Radio One to broadcast "unplugged" at Albert Hall smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) (14)
- Meet The Vicar smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) (24)
- history *demands* de l`abattoir <del> (13)
- That part of the sentence that does the verb smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) (14)
- Fischoteque joe[at]-remove-anvil.co.uk (Joe Nicholson) (14)
- Where is the Black Eg gig???
- How about the U.S.? muck[at]-remove-elm.circa.ufl.edu (Vanessa Wilburn) (5)
- Black Eg
- President Chang racerx[at]-remove-cats.ucsc.edu (18)
- The emperor penguins.... head South de l`abattoir <del> (90)
- e.g. black undrugged joe[at]-remove-anvil.co.uk (Joe Nicholson) (60)
- Black Eg Press Release joe[at]-remove-anvil.co.uk (Joe Nicholson) (66)
- addendum to the BLACK EG FLYER de l`abattoir <del> (11)
- In the springtime... the female penguins return to the starving males. de l`abattoir <del> (77)
- Undrugged Edward Carter <edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk> (11)
- The Black Eg Home Page de l`abattoir <del> (12)
- Actual NME Quote joe[at]-remove-anvil.co.uk (Joe Nicholson) (14)
- So what were the elephants doing there, apart from sinking?
- Yeah, what he said!
- they were on holiday, like everyone else. Edward Carter <edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk> (18)
- who is re-releasing the JBC stuff? JOE BEAULIEU <jbeauli[at]-remove-mstar.com> (14)
- Condition Blue = Masterwork
- stuff & WWW update de l`abattoir <del> (97)
- Age and Irony Not Amused <RKARR[at]-remove-npr.org> (20)
- test/Girl Go single Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (15)
- Those Later Albums smeats[at]-remove-lincoln.gpsemi.com (Sad Git on the Internet) (29)
- stuff edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (39)
- (no subject) Cliff Lovelock <CLIFF[at]-remove-glg.edinburgh.ac.uk> (19)
- We seem to be back up - some news de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (68)
- no news edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (31)
- Belgium
- SHIRTS! Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (57)
- Upcoming gigs de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (7)
- Black Eg CD for sale Stewart Evans <stewarte[at]-remove-sco.com> (11)
- Harlan
- shirt design Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (33)
- Shirts
- shirts - attitude change Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (16)
- JBC LoveBus Font edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk (25)
- comment on WfltB
- the new Alternative Press JOE BEAULIEU <jbeauli[at]-remove-mstar.com> (18)
- back desing Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (29)
- Peter Lorre question Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (18)
- The Bus de l`abattoir <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (31)
- Look out - Western Family again
- The T Shirt (again...)
- Shirt slogan BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (41)
- shirt design and other stuff Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (26)
- Fishian Politics
- Politics, toilet training, etc.. BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (35)
- Something Completely Different uswnvg!rfrango[at]-remove-uunet.uu.net (Robert Frangooles) (21)
- Lines in the sand, um, water... BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (13)
- testing 1,2,3 check, check Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (9)
- Penguins joe[at]-remove-anvil.co.uk (Joe Nicholson) (10)
- And now expect something sarcastic from Ed. Cliff Lovelock <CLIFF[at]-remove-glg.edinburgh.ac.uk> (7)
- Gig Report from Matt Cockerill de l`abattoir <del> (49)
- Politics edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk (16)
- T-shirts! Get yer t-shirts heeeeeere Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (102)
- REMINDER: upcoming gigs de l`abattoir <del> (12)
- Strangelove, The Black Watch mrd[at]-remove-world.std.com (Mitchell R Dickerman) (25)
- JBC query rstill[at]-remove-utdallas.edu (4)
- JBC query (fwd) Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (25)
- Anne Rice/"Sister Death" rstill[at]-remove-utdallas.edu (15)
- Looking For Lot 49
- album release dates Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (22)
- when oh when Glen Davis <davisg[at]-remove-BCC.ORST.EDU> (7)
- Those DAMNED Canucks David A Whittemore <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (24)
- shirts & stuff "Camfield,Chris" <ChrisC[at]-remove-watcom.on.ca> (22)
- New member-me!!
- The Fan World
- new interview on the WWW server de l`abattoir <del> (11)
- One-man orchestra
- The good and the bad/ugly
- Pat the one-man orchestra Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (16)
- "Living in a Village" lyrics: Help! "David E. Zembower" <zembower[at]-remove-rcf.mayo.edu> (14)
- Lyrics David A Whittemore <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (22)
- Shirt on my back
- Electrical Sound Joe Nicholson <joen[at]-remove-sco.COM> (12)
- Sony Music AMBIENCE[at]-remove-delphi.com (8)
- Uncovering The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy PATERSD <patersd[at]-remove-aa.wl.com> (31)
- howdy de l`abattoir <del> (26)
- songwriter output, albums, and the JBC
- songwriter output, albums... BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (28)
- news
- Letter: 13Sep94, Intro de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Gigs de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, David Lynch
- Letter: 13Sep94, Harlan de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Peter Lorre de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Politics de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Sister Death de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Odd N Ends de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, News de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- Letter: 13Sep94, Re-Issues de l`abattoir <del> (2)
- a new conversation topic!
- Reeee: David A Whittemore <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (44)
- Leter: 13Sep94, Politics BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (23)
- The Jazz Butcher v The JBC
- anyone have a UK copy of CB for sale? Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (16)
- Kenneth, What's the Condition?
- Name abandonment bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) (23)
- today Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (18)
- Shirt News edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk (12)
- long songs de l`abattoir <del> (31)
- An introduction, of sorts... "Gary Hunter" <ghunter[at]-remove-science.watstar.uwaterloo.ca> (39)
- WWW home page! Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (20)
- Spooky
- oh dear (shirts) Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (29)
- Jazz Butcher spotting! Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (17)
- Whoops this got bounced... Arik Kissinger Florimonte <frendli[at]-remove-cats.ucsc.edu> (20)
- videos
- 15 Nov 94 - Greenpeace Benefit at the Roadmender's, Northampton de l`abattoir <del> (45)
- Has anyone bought these lately...?
- a new one greg0003[at]-remove-gold.tc.umn.edu (40)
- slow memory greg0003[at]-remove-gold.tc.umn.edu (14)
- Scandal on LP BertieV[at]-remove-aol.com (6)
- Heart of Glass Mojo90210[at]-remove-aol.com (13)
- Western Family pre-master DAT de l`abattoir <del> (33)
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (27) - alex[at]-remove-trinket.co.at (Alexander Vrchoticky) (24)
- joen[at]-remove-sco.COM (2)
Slang King
-remove-npr.org> (19) - GOOSENMK[at]-remove-ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (9)
- alex[at]-remove-trinket.co.at (Alexander Vrchoticky) (32)
-remove-mstar.com> (14) -
de l`abattoir
(70) -
"Dave Zembower"
-remove-rcf.mayo.edu> (20) - alex[at]-remove-trinket.co.at (Alexander Vrchoticky) (27)
Slang King
-remove-npr.org> (26) -
Michael H Whitworth
-remove-st-annes.oxford.ac.uk> (11) - bigsix[at]-remove-ix.netcom.com (John Ford) (21)
Amy E Gregoret
-remove-gold.tc.umn.edu> (22) -
Michael H Whitworth
-remove-st-annes.oxford.ac.uk> (7)
Chris Camfield
- covers (Chinese Envoy) cockeril[at]-remove-europa.lif.icnet.uk (Matt Cockerill) (7)
- Help-find album "this mortal coil" <881439C[at]-remove-axe.acadiau.ca> (16)
- odd songs going through your head?
- Southern Mark Smith
- Mark E Smith
- Thing Cliff Lovelock <CLIFF[at]-remove-glg.edinburgh.ac.uk> (24)
- Southern Mark E. Smith
- The JBC and Videodrome "David E. Zembower" <zembower[at]-remove-rcf.mayo.edu> (37)
- Mark E. Smith
- JBC superhighway infiltraton M.G.J.Jenkins[at]-remove-exeter.ac.uk (90)
- JBC Keith Jones <keithj[at]-remove-lodgstud.demon.co.uk> (63)
JBC (pat post?)
de l`abattoir
(46) -
-remove-aa.wl.com> (12)
de l`abattoir
- Just to remind everyone about the Blue Aeroplanes gig cockeril[at]-remove-europa.lif.icnet.uk (Matt Cockerill) (12)
- name for "new waxing"
- One More Than Beethoven
- JBC (pat post?) WAS NOT FROM PAT de l`abattoir <del> (48)
- End of the JBC? ae906[at]-remove-lafn.org (Stephen Larsen) (14)
- title under construction
lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (27) -
Amy E Gregoret
-remove-gold.tc.umn.edu> (6) -
Michael H Whitworth
-remove-st-annes.oxford.ac.uk> (10) - Mojo90210[at]-remove-aol.com (30)
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (41) -
Chris Camfield
-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (13)
Chris Camfield
- Intro tibbles[at]-remove-vax.ox.ac.uk (7)
- Wolfgang Stegg
- stray steg(g) and other creatures Michael H Whitworth <michael.whitworth[at]-remove-st-annes.oxford.ac.uk> (21)
- Answers to questions David A Whittemore <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu> (67)
- Red Rockets Shot My Rocket Down jcooper[at]-remove-mv.us.adobe.com (12)
- Red Russians Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> (6)