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Date: Tue, 3 May 1994 17:30:31 -0400
From: Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Why is the JBC obscure?
> New topic for discussion: "The Jazz Butcher: Crap or What?"
I think the answer to that is: What? As in - definitely not
Crap. :) I just (finally!) picked up Waiting For The Love Bus
(it was a US import, so I don't think it's a domestic release in
Canada still). Great album! I particularly like the album
versions of Sweetwater, Ghosts, and Penguins. (I'm comparing
S and G with the versions from the Mean Fiddler gig a year ago.)
Other things to consider about JB lack of popularity (depressing
subject, I know) - rather off-the-wall humour that may not appeal
to everyone, intelligent lyrics which do not cater to the lowest
common denominator. What do you think?
Chris Camfield (ccamfiel[at]-remove-undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca)
"There's silence and there's blindness in a raging world,
But the healer in your heart is only a moment away."
(Runrig, "Healer In Your Heart")