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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1994
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Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 04:45:56 -0500
From: de l`abattoir <del[at]>
Subject: new stuff to WWW pages.

i just typed in about 2 dozen interviews, reviews, etc, (ouch! i hate that
damned SHIFT key) which can be found through the WWW page:

i also removed those ".mil site" URLs that UK types were having trouble
accessing - i have copied that data to my machine, so you should notice
a speed-up as well, since it makes the downloads smaller.

i am sure that guy from Estonia will appreciate it.

if there is any interest, i can post a few here, but i wanted to check
so i dont clog up mailboxes...

the latest issue of Creem has a comment about that rumored
"Creation compilation", which they claim is also available domestically (US).
this album will have an as-yet-unreleased track `Everybody's talkin',
so it may be worthwhile.

any comments on the new one from those who may have picked it
up state-side?

does anyone have lyrics sitting around that they have transcribed? no?
how about putting yourself through the awful torture of listening to
something, and jotting down the lyrics... the earlier the album, the better.

