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Date: Tue, 06 Dec 1994 23:12:16 EST
From: David A Whittemore <del[at]-remove-ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: Southern Mark E. Smith
> ae906[at]-remove-lafn.org (Stephen Larsen
> I don't believe when Fishy says that "Southern Mark Smith" isn't a
> reference to Mark E. Smith. It's his first single.
on the WWW server see
<a href="/letters/93Oct19/fall.html">the following document</a>
where pat talked about this:
We put out the single Southern Mark Smith in the
autumn of 1983. The Fall's C.R.E.E.P., with Pat,
Trip Dispenser on the b-side, came out about the
same time. Therefore, I feel that it must have been
recorded some time BEFORE the Fall could have
heard our single. Our bassist at the time (and on the
single) was none other than Rolo (woodentops)
McGinty. Accordingly, the combination of the Fall title
and Smith's strangled cries of "McGinty!" on the
record did make for rather spooky listening, but I
believe it's just a co-incidence. A little later we
received a letter from The Fall, from which we
gathered that they dug our record, and later we did
quite a few dates supporting them.
if pat told someone that he was *not* refering to Mr Fall,
he was probably not being truthful.