The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy :
Mailing List : 1994
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Date: Mon, 23 May 94 14:24:12 BST
From: joe[at] (Joe Nicholson)
Subject: Fischoteque
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Date: Mon, 23 May 94 14:24:12 BST
From: joe[at] (Joe Nicholson)
Subject: Fischoteque
After rumours about the demise of Fischoteque (the chip shop on the
album cover of said album) which were spread around (mainly by
myself), I am glad to report that it has not closed down and I say
happy punters sitting in it last week.
It did appear to close down for a while and due to all the development
going on at Waterloo Station for the Jubliee Line (this is complete
gibberish for overseas listeners) I feared it might have closed it's
doors for good.
``Rumours of my death are largely exaggerated''