A repository of older Jazz Butcher website features
The Jazz Butcher website first appeared online in February, 1994 - making it among the first 1,000 websites in the world. Over the years, an enormous amount of disparate information has accummulated here (some 4235 pages and counting!)But some material - no matter how lovely - has a shelf-life. Links to this historical and ephemeral information will be preserved here.
The genesis of this Jazz Butcher website was the mailing list that David Whittemore maintained. During the 15 years it was active, several hundred technically-inclined JBC fans kept in touch and posted thousands of email messages.
Just prior to gaining Internet access for himself, Pat would update the website's maintainer the old-fashioned way: through type-written correspondence. Post From Pat covers news and answers to fan questions in 9 lengthy letters. An enjoyable read.
Pat was in posession of a ridiculous photo of a fan doing a ridiculous thing - while wearing a JBC t-shirt. He mused that others in compomising attair might compete to be top loon, if the call were put out on the JBC mailing list. So that's what happened.
This is a trip.Max Eider , as a writer for Channel 4, produced a series on mind-altering drugs, which - due to its absolute brilliance - was mirrored here before it left the Channel 4 website.
Some brainiac on the old JBC mailing list decided that it would be fun to have the many JBC musician fans take a whack at doing a cover tune tribute album. The outcome is surprisingly not as cringe-worthy as it could have been.
Pat provides an early history for his side-project Wilson.
David Whittemore created a multiple-choice JBC trivial test. Take the challenge: is Emil still pig?
Net-side bands and whatnot that Pat wanted to highlight.
The passing of Northampton-based folk music legend Tom Hall prompted many - Pat included - to pen heartfelt memorials.