The Jazz Butcher
Etc | Mailing List
[By Subject] [By Date] [By Sender]
- 1 Jan, 1995 Happy New Year, Gone Fishing (65)
- 2 Jan, 1995 Pat Fish and David J at Slurps (21st December 1994) (51)
3 Jan, 1995
- Lyrics Transcription (45)
- the devil is my friend (15)
- 5 Jan, 1995
- 9 Jan, 1995 set list (11)
- 10 Jan, 1995 Waiting for the Love Bus (the song) (18)
- 18 Jan, 1995
23 Jan, 1995
- New releases? (5)
- Greetings (29)
- 31 Jan, 1995 release date for "16 years" (11)
- 1 Feb, 1995 Standard Intro, and the new single (24)
- 2 Feb, 1995 New Single (28)
- 3 Feb, 1995 OLD article transcription: Contrast, USA, Winter, 1986 (10)
- 6 Feb, 1995 New guy on the list (53)
8 Feb, 1995
- Re-issues? (8)
- Jazz Butcher song in the news (21)
10 Feb, 1995
- shock of the jocks (12)
- shock of the jocks (20)
- shock of the jocks (45)
12 Feb, 1995
- The Bishop is back (182)
- Re-issues (17)
- 15 Feb, 1995 "I Hate You" Single (13)
- 16 Feb, 1995 more shirts? (43)
- 21 Feb, 1995
- 23 Feb, 1995 Hello all. (6)
- 25 Feb, 1995 Hello! (21)
- 27 Feb, 1995 Hello (33)
- 28 Feb, 1995 new jbc info at web site (6)
- 26 Feb, 1995 Just introducing myself... (20)
- 2 Mar, 1995 brief bishop briefing (28)
3 Mar, 1995
- Creation Home Page (17)
- A nice find.... (20)
- bad lighting (63)
4 Mar, 1995
- Shopping.... (26)
- Illuminate and other stuff. (33)
- 1995 Tour Fantasy Play List (32)
- videos (9)
- 6 Mar, 1995 JBC videos (22)
7 Mar, 1995
- JBC videos (20)
- thoughts on Western Family (24)
8 Mar, 1995
- Western Family (27)
- Sixteen Years (37)
- Western Family (20)
- JBC videos (7)
- JBC Music (17)
- Jazz Butcher Guitar... (22)
- 9 Mar, 1995 Creation Page (5)
- 10 Mar, 1995 A Score! Max Eider Lives in my heart! (6)
- 12 Mar, 1995 a Recommendation.... (6)
13 Mar, 1995
- the new single (38)
- Fish-Friendly Stores (31)
- the new single (59)
- 14 Mar, 1995 Truck Of Fear (11)
- 0 Mar, 1960 Blue Aeroplanes (28)
15 Mar, 1995
- the new single (16)
- The new album! (37)
- I hate you! (21)
17 Mar, 1995
- Cover Person (14)
- Illuminate (19)
- 18 Mar, 1995 Long search at an end (23)
- 20 Mar, 1995 no special title (23)
21 Mar, 1995
- Illuminate on CDEurope (10)
- Ordering Illuminate (9)
- EAR/Rational Info (31)
- EAR/Rational Info (31)
22 Mar, 1995
- Hungarian Love Song (16)
- Hungarian Love Song (16)
- Hungarian Love Song (19)
- magyar liebeslied (21)
- Distressed Gentlefolk (7)
- Hungarian Love Song (16)
- Hungarian Love Song (16)
- Hungarian Love Song (19)
- magyar liebeslied (21)
- Distressed Gentlefolk (7)
- 0 Mar, 1979 Hungarian Love Song (9)
23 Mar, 1995
- Spectrum (11)
- Best of... (21)
- Distressed Gentlefolk (23)
- 24 Mar, 1995 Borderline gig (11)
- 25 Mar, 1995 Message from Pat (48)
27 Mar, 1995
- Discography? (16)
- Perkygoffs and the JBC (28)
- Pat Fish??? (13)
- 28 Mar, 1995 Max Eider (5)
29 Mar, 1995
- Max Eider (fwd) (2)
- Max Eider (35)
30 Mar, 1995
- Max Eider and David J (19)
- Best of... (19)
- Best of... (84)
- 31 Mar, 1995 New photo scans (27)
1 Apr, 1995
- Fruitless searching... (22)
- subscribe (2)
- Jazz Butcher ref spotted! (19)
- 3 Apr, 1995 London area JBCers? (14)
- 4 Apr, 1995
- 5 Apr, 1995
6 Apr, 1995
- "ultimate tour" (16)
- "ultimate tour" (22)
- "ultimate tour" (22)
- Twin Peaks and the sensitive Pat? (16)
- Best of... (39)
- ultimate tour (17)
- Tour (13)
- Borderline gig... (8)
- The Human Jungle (8)
7 Apr, 1995
- Twin Peaks and the sensitive Pat? (17)
- Borderline gig... (11)
- Best of... (16)
- Twin Peaks and the sensitive Pat? (15)
- ultimate tour, etc. (19)
- Max Eider (16)
- Cousin Tom's Best of... (fwd) (2)
- Please forward this..... (27)
8 Apr, 1995
- "ultimate tour" (9)
- Toronto's WAREHOUSE sucks! (57)
- Toronto's WAREHOUSE sucks! (26)
- Toronto's WAREHOUSE sucks! (34)
- Illuminate? (7)
9 Apr, 1995
- John A. Rivers (29)
- Marnie etc... (20)
- John A. Rivers (16)
- "Western Family" thoughts (26)
10 Apr, 1995
- mr norris and mr rivers (10)
- A Human Jungle River type thing (30)
- Human Jungle (27)
- 11 Apr, 1995
- 12 Apr, 1995
- 14 Apr, 1995 Jazz Butcher list (9)
16 Apr, 1995
- I've seen the light (25)
- Illuminate (22)
- Illuminate (12)
- jbc-list (2)
- Illuminate (9)
17 Apr, 1995
- Illuminate (24)
- Illuminate In CA! Yay! (33)
- Illuminate (21)
- Subscribe (8)
- Max Eider (14)
18 Apr, 1995
- Introductory Post (21)
- Illuminate (51)
- Illuminate somewhere in SB (15)
- Introductory Post (25)
19 Apr, 1995
- Illumilyrics (11)
- "Take a look at Max!" (9)
- illuminate: a confession. (44)
- Illuminate (30)
20 Apr, 1995
- "ultimate tour" (34)
- Best of... (15)
- Cousin Tom's Best of... (fwd) (14)
- Covers, no CDs? (16)
- Illuminate & Blue Aeroplanes & Zeppelins (37)
- "ultimate tour" (7)
- "ultimate tour" (8)
- 21 Apr, 1995
22 Apr, 1995
- Please include me in your mailing List (22)
- Jealousy (12)
- Angels=dead cats? (16)
- 24 Apr, 1995 Illuminate in Canada (17)
- 25 Apr, 1995
- 26 Apr, 1995 If this had been an actual virus... (46)
- 27 Apr, 1995
28 Apr, 1995
- HI (48)
- Ben Silcock (42)
- Ben Silcock (part two) (46)
- Waiting for Sumo (17)
- 29 Apr, 1995 distressed gentlefolk (9)
30 Apr, 1995
- "The Updated Ultimate Tour Request List, Rev 4" (39)
- A Couple Of Dillemmas (24)
- greetings (13)
- hoagy carmichael (14)
- hoagy carmichael (23)
1 May, 1995
- Which one to choose? (32)
- new kid on the block (20)
- Hello (26)
2 May, 1995
- New conspirant (37)
- The Triffids (18)
- New conspirant (14)
- The Triffids & David McComb (49)
- Quinn and Collins (24)
- boarding the bus (37)
- Enough, already! (15)
- well... (30)
- Enough, already! (35)
- Enough, already! (21)
3 May, 1995
- quinn and collins again (29)
- Whittemore Whereabouts (13)
- A survey of everyone's favorite bands? (35)
- Anal retentives paradise (42)
- Anal retentives paradise (30)
- A survey of everyone's favorite bands? (24)
- Surf Gear In Idaho (10)
- A survey of everyone's favorite bands? (52)
- A survey of everyone's favorite bands? (29)
- Most common "J" bands in used bins (31)
- What Homr says I should listen to (45)
- 4 May, 1995
7 May, 1995
- "J" Bands (7)
- Olof Palmer (91)
- A survey of everyone's (14)
- Let's get some things clear. (27)
- (no subject) (2)
- Truck of Fear - lyrics! and introduction (103)
- Similarities Engine Results (65)
- 8 May, 1995
9 May, 1995
- Triffids (48)
- JBC Whereabouts. (4)
- survey in progress... (23)
11 May, 1995
- Message for Pat (22)
- Jazz Butcher (2)
- Ear-rational?? (8)
- 12 May, 1995 Cute Submarines (15)
- 13 May, 1995 a lurker is moved to speak (31)
14 May, 1995
- home page address? (15)
- CD Bar (23)
- WWW site (horror?!?!?) (11)
- Bye guys! (17)
- Cute Submarines (27)
- WEB SITE DOWN (kinda) (10)
- 15 May, 1995 Cute Submarines/ S:ta Lucia (100)
- 16 May, 1995
- 17 May, 1995
- 20 May, 1995
- 21 May, 1995 Eno at al (27)
- 22 May, 1995 results of the fave band survey (59)
23 May, 1995
- results of the fave band survey (25)
- Cookies (48)
24 May, 1995
- Nick Cave (13)
- Nick Cave (30)
- Nick Cave (9)
- Nick Cave and Wim Wenders (10)
- Nick Cave (7)
- Nick Cave (22)
- Nick & Wim (and the jbc) (30)
- 25 May, 1995 Max Eider (11)
- 26 May, 1995 Mailing List (9)
30 May, 1995
- I'm back... (34)
- He's back... (24)
- Promos & Cut-outs (57)
31 May, 1995
- The Search (26)
- Sixteen Years (11)
- The Search (16)
1 Jun, 1995
- The Search (16)
- Sixteen Years (18)
- LP VS CD (44)
4 Jun, 1995
- LP VS CD (28)
- notorious file (8)
2 Jun, 1995
- Promos & Cut-outs (48)
- Promos & Cut-outs (48)
- I call that thing J Edgar (19)
- 3 Jun, 1995 jeez, sorry, oops, mea culpa (26)
6 Jun, 1995
- subscription stuff (6)
- "folk punk" (16)
- 7 Jun, 1995
9 Jun, 1995
- JBC-list Survey (28)
- subscribe (4)
- when robert anton wilson sings (21)
- 11 Jun, 1995 subscribe sstone[at]-remove-npr.org (2)
13 Jun, 1995
- JBC Survey (18)
- JBC Survey (11)
14 Jun, 1995
- JBC Survey (32)
- More survey stuff (17)
- subscribe (2)
- 15 Jun, 1995 Rescheduled gig (15)
- 16 Jun, 1995
- 17 Jun, 1995 Illuminate, of course (56)
- 19 Jun, 1995 The Gift of Music - tape available (32)
20 Jun, 1995
- hello... (18)
- off topic question (13)
21 Jun, 1995
- Fantasy Cover Versions (2)
- Fishcotheque (14)
- Survey Results... (49)
- Survey Results... (2)
- Max tape (3)
24 Jun, 1995
- jbc mailing (3)
- Jazz Butcher FC (9)
- 26 Jun, 1995
27 Jun, 1995
- Brian Eno reference (10)
- Folk & the JB (25)
- 28 Jun, 1995 Illuminate (22)
30 Jun, 1995
- mailing list (16)
- mailing list (8)
- mailing list (6)
- JBC Vinyl For Sale (74)
- 1 Jul, 1995 subscribe/picabolex[at]-remove-aol.com (3)
- 3 Jul, 1995 Old Snakey Lyric (47)
- 4 Jul, 1995 News from Pat? (10)
- 5 Jul, 1995 News from Pat? (21)
6 Jul, 1995
- out-of-print jbc (8)
- out-of-print jbc (23)
- 12 Jul, 1995
- 13 Jul, 1995
- 16 Jul, 1995 Pat & Max? (11)
- 17 Jul, 1995 more on pat and max (35)
- 18 Jul, 1995 Beasts and super-beasts (25)
- 20 Jul, 1995 letter from Olga! =) (Unverified) (11)
- 25 Jul, 1995 Re-issues? (9)
28 Jul, 1995
- Butcher Fan Back On-line (20)
- Congratulate me :) (13)
- 1 Aug, 1995 JazzButcherConspiracy News (20)
- 2 Aug, 1995
- 4 Aug, 1995 The Live "Western Family" CD (7)
- 6 Aug, 1995 Jazz Butcher (6)
- 7 Aug, 1995 Western Family (10)
8 Aug, 1995
- Western Family (6)
- Western Family (12)
10 Aug, 1995
- what's in the closet (28)
- what's in the closet (8)
11 Aug, 1995
- Jazz Butcher info (10)
- Jazz Butcher info (10)
14 Aug, 1995
- Phone call from Pat.. (52)
- subscribe (2)
- 15 Aug, 1995 Phone call from Pat.. (16)
- 20 Aug, 1995
- 21 Aug, 1995 Condition Blue (28)
- 23 Aug, 1995 Illuminated (21)
- 24 Aug, 1995 : Re: Condition Blue (4)
- 28 Aug, 1995 Angels (16)
- 29 Aug, 1995 bloody nonsense (10)
- 30 Aug, 1995 FW: bloody nonsense (16)
7 Sep, 1995
- Fire Records (19)
- cd's (7)
- 8 Sep, 1995 fire records/out of print cd's (16)
- 11 Sep, 1995 JBC night in Chicago (30)
- 13 Sep, 1995
- 15 Sep, 1995 Web Site (15)
- 19 Sep, 1995 JBC night Chicago (34)
- 22 Sep, 1995 Emailing lists (7)
- 24 Sep, 1995 your mail (19)
- 25 Sep, 1995
- 27 Sep, 1995 JCB night Chicago tonight (7)
- 29 Sep, 1995
- 2 Oct, 1995 subscribe (4)
- 10 Oct, 1995 Re-subscribe (again!) (14)
- 11 Oct, 1995 Here's the real scoop-and it is good (35)
- 12 Oct, 1995
13 Oct, 1995
- Creation Sampler (29)
- Restless Reissues? (27)
15 Oct, 1995
- Creation Sampler (fwd) (35)
- Everybodies Talking (17)
- Eider on a bootleg (18)
- Restless releases? (27)
- 17 Oct, 1995
- 18 Oct, 1995
- 20 Oct, 1995 Jazz Butcher Conspiracy Mailing List Request (17)
- 23 Oct, 1995 testing (2)
- 24 Oct, 1995 weird Illuminate import with bonus cd (7)
- 25 Oct, 1995 Help (4)
- 26 Oct, 1995 Ok then, here's another question (12)
- 30 Oct, 1995
- 31 Oct, 1995
- 1 Nov, 1995 sumo & lulu (21)
16 Nov, 1995
- The Strange Tractors (3)
- The Strange Tractors (7)
- Bay Area JBCers... (16)
- Bay Area JBCers... (7)
- 17 Nov, 1995 NEWS (7)
- 20 Nov, 1995 In Bath of Bacon (9)
- 25 Nov, 1995 Strange (Att)Tractors? (12)
- 26 Nov, 1995 message from Pascal Legras (18)
- 27 Nov, 1995 Pascal Legras (26)
- 28 Nov, 1995 onic Plague (was Re: Pascal Legras) (10)
1 Dec, 1995
- That's all folks (14)
- Nooooo (14)
- That's all folks (15)
- very odd, indeed (10)
- very odd, indeed (15)
2 Dec, 1995
- last jbc? (7)
- End of the "JBC" (17)
- I want my JBC (49)
- JBC DOA! (52)
- birthday (13)
3 Dec, 1995
- End of the "JBC" (65)
- End of the JBC monicker (14)
4 Dec, 1995
- birthday (16)
- don't cry :) (35)
- don't cry :) (29)
5 Dec, 1995
- collection for pat (12)
- ***BISHOP*** (133)
- All this 'jazz' :) (14)
- collection for pat (23)
- All this 'jazz' :) (17)
- The End is Near (15)
- End of the JBC (34)
6 Dec, 1995
- Commiserating. (39)
- How about this? (36)
- Commercial success (16)
- Shock, but hope for the future? (25)
- 8 Dec, 1995 Somewhere over the rainbow (37)
- 12 Dec, 1995 Messages for pat.... and the JBC Survey! (23)
- 13 Dec, 1995 Shirts (31)
- 15 Dec, 1995
- 17 Dec, 1995 Messages for Pat (18)
- 23 Dec, 1995 Last Ever JBC Show (40)
- 26 Dec, 1995 The New Name (14)
27 Dec, 1995
- a small question (16)
- a small question (17)
- 30 Dec, 1995 tour (2)