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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 09:46:02 -0500
From: "Dave Zembower" <zembower[at]>
Subject: Toronto's WAREHOUSE sucks!

In message <95Apr8.002452edt.57060-2[at]> Chris Camfield

> >I have to agree with the above sentiment; I have seen numerous shows
> >there over the years, and the sound has ranged from poor to absoutely
> >abysmal! One particular instance springs to mind: The Jazz Butcher, about
> >6 years ago or so. The sound was so bad, that the band actually
> >apologized for it on their next CD!! As I recall, it went something like
> >"We apologize for the sound at our Toronto show, but it was due to
> >circumstances beyond our control". I remember standing by the soundman
> >and watching him desperately twiddle knobs to no avail; he had a really
> >worried expression on his face, and I told him he should just turn the
> >master volume down a notch or two, but I guess he thought he knew best.

This "sounds awful" familiar. (I know, I know, horrible pun).

The one and only time I saw the JBC was at First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN. The
sound was absolutely *horrible*. The surprise was, all the many other shows I
have seen there sounded fantastic, including the opening act the night I saw
JBC. Is it possible that Pat travels with his own sub-standard sound man? I
have no idea how these club tours work. Is it customary for bands to have their
own sound man, or does the club normally do the work?

Dave Zembower