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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 21:14:27 -0500
From: "Dave Zembower" <zembower[at]>
Subject: Tapes? Any tapes?

Hello, fellow list people. Well, I'm still here, waiting for Illuminate to make
it to my town. A thought crossed my mind while waiting. OK, I've been sitting
on my hands waiting for the reissues of Sex and Travel and Scandal in Bohemia,
and am now additionally anxious for Illuminate. My solution, temporary...could
some kind soul with CD's of Sex and Travel and Scandal in Bohemia volunteer to
tape them for me? I don't have either, and becoming more skeptical daily
regarding reissues. I have every CD from BPSP through Love Bus, and hissing,
popping tapes of Distressed Gentlefolk, Bloody Nonsense, Bath of Bacon and Gift
of Music. I would be happy to return the favor in any way...tell you what, I
will make you a "surprise" tape of one of my favorite bands, now out of print,
guaranteed you would love it. Only request; don't beg me for my out of print
CD, because it does not leave the house! :)

Let me know if you are interested. If you aren't too impressed with the offer
of my tape, I'll be happy to reimburse you for the tape and postage. Thanks,

Dave Zembower