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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:13:33 +0100
From: cockerill[at] (Matt Cockerill)
Subject: Twin Peaks and the sensitive Pat?

> I'm glad you brought up Twin Peaks. In Honey (is that the one you
>meant?), Pat says, "all that Honey wants is someone to watch Twin Peaks

That's what I was talking about, yes...
>(or is, since Bravo's showing it) Pat a Twin Peaks fan?
Pat's definitely a fan of David Lynch stuff in general (there are a couple
of references to Blue Velvet that have been mentioned before, including the
"he is a very sick and dangerous individual" sample- though I've forgotten
what song that's on.)


Matthew Cockerill Tel 44 171 269 3877
Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Cell Cycle Group) Fax 44 171 269 3801