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Date: Thu, 23 Mar 95 11:27:27 GMT
From: edwardc[at]
Subject: Distressed Gentlefolk

Everyone else writes:

> stuff about Distressed Gentlefolk

Just my $0.02... the whole album kinda washes over me except for "Domestic
Animal" which is just clever and...

that double-whammy at the end: Nothing Special and then Angels. Two of the
very best songs. ever. After discovering the true subject matter of "Angels"
(thanks, David) I have to say that I like it even more. Never fails to bring a
lump to my eye and a tear to my throat.

Can't wait to trade in my warped, fluttery cranky old tape of DG in favour of
a crisp new re-issued CD. Let it be soon.

Passing Thought: Any jbc-listers going to make it to the Borderline gig
tonight? Interesting to hear what the new stuff is really like. Frustratingly,
I had to book a trip down to London a while ago and got my ticket for the
24th. Can't change the damn thing either. Please, someone go and then email me
saying "you wouldn't have liked it".
