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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 11:58:43 +1000
From: adbell[at]
Subject: A great night at the Garage

More than amonth ago now (Have just returned from UK Holiday), but thought I'd
mention what a fantastic concert was held in Highbury Garage in London on the
13 September.

JBC headlining with Max Eider supporting. What a fantastic combination. For
those interested the songs from Max included:
Raking up the Leaves
Who loves you now?
It has to be you
Girls who keep Goldfish (old JB song)
& some new material so heres hoping a CD might be in the making.

His voice sounded as tuneful as his very sadly out-of-print "Best Kisser..". I
recognised David J watching in crowd and spoke very briefly. Having had a few
scotches I expounded the tragdy of Max's deleted CD. Yes David said, "Max is
the deleted man" with genuine sorrow or maybe he thought I was weirdo.

Max finished his set with Pat Fish supporting a brilliant version of the
classic "Drink".

The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy came on with an incredibly powerful and tight
sound playing:
Our friends the Filth
Old Snakey
Cute Submarines
When Eno Sings
Sister Death
Pale Blue Eyes (L Reed)

For encore, the present JBC were replaced with the near original: David J, Max
Eider & Pat to play:
Take the Skinheads bowling.(Camper Van Beethoven)

I think the last time they would have recorded together would be around 10
years ago with Sex and Travel. Don't know whether this has happened in
previous gigs as it was the only concert I've seen (Sadly deprived in
Australia), but it seemed it must have been a truly exceptional night. The
crowd, although quite small, loved it. If a bootleg was recorded of this
concert, its value to JBC devotees would be priceless.

* _____ __ __________ ***********************************************
* / ) __) ___ | Adrian H. D. Bell adbell[at]
* / / |_ |_ |_ | Fax: +61 7 862 3115
/ ___/ _____)|_________| Brisbane, AUSTRALIA