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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Sat, 17 Jun 1995 06:07:32 -0400
From: Lesterfarr[at]
Subject: Illuminate, of course

Okay, so, we have pieced together that there is a difference between the
track listings on the illuminate LP and the CD. Thanks to sonia[at]
(Sonia Bovio) I hear that the LP goes like this:

(side one)
1. a great visitation of elephants
2. sixteen years
3. cute submarines
4. lulu's nightmare
5. beetle george
6. old snakey
7. land
(side two)
1. when eno sings
2. the ugliest song in the world
3. scarlett
4. cops and hospitals
5. blues for dead dean reed
6. true stories

And we know that the CD follows this order:

1. a great visitation of elephants
2. sixteen years
3. cute submarines
4. lulu's nightmare
5. beetle george
6. truck of fear
7. old snakey
8. blues for dead dean reed
9. when eno sings
10. waiting for sumo
11. the ugliest song in the world
12. scarlett
13. cops and hospitals
14. surf gear in idaho
15. land
16. true stories

So the questions are begged: Who cares? Does Illuminate "work" better one
way or the other? Does the order of tracks on a record really matter? Does it
make a difference if you listen to songs on an album in different order from
that intended by the artist/producer/record company (after all, before CDs,
it was a *little* more work to skip tracks; now you can easily program them
however the hell you want)? Is Illuminate oriented more toward the overall
album concept, like I would say the last few jbc releases were, or is it a
collection of songs a la the Gift of Music comps? Should I get a life?

Like I said in a previous post, I'm still of a pre-1982 mindset which thinks
of the vinyl version of an album as the source, and the subsequent formats as
"variations." For what it's worth...

Fred Wheaton
"We put all our faith in magnetic tape /We put all our faith in sand..." -
jbc, "scarlett"