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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 01:26:21 -0400
From: ethercat[at]
Subject: "ultimate tour"

The Tour Votes So Far: (again! Anybody I missed?)

New York City!
Albany, NY
Edinburgh (or Bristol?)
Nashville, Tennessee
Hobart, Tasmania
Columbus Ohio and/or Cincinnati
How about Burlington, VT?

somewhere in the mountain west (i.e. Salt Lake City, Denver, Boulder, Las
Vegas, or Phoenix).

add Atlanta, GA -- The Point
* or
Athens, GA -- 40 Watt Club
or even better play either the UPTOWN or FIRST AVENUE
* in Minneapolis,MN on June 30 or 31 & then
MY WEDDING PARTY in St Paul on July 1st.

*** Pat, I think we have your tour list here.

<whisper> Does anyone think he heard me?

Hoping he heard the Atlanta votes!
Funny isn't it? How people run right through you... (
Circle the rim of your life... And are gone............ )
Author unknown. The Great Speckled Bird, circa 1972. ( ethercat[at]