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Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 13:13:46 +0059 (EDT)
From: MATTHEW M FOGEL <mf94br[at]>
Subject: Illuminate & Blue Aeroplanes & Zeppelins

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Julian Stewart wrote:

> Think I've finally listened to it enough to offer my 1.999 cents
> on the subject.
> It definitely sounds like a more "carefree" effort than "Love Bus";
> there are certainly less moments of "token art misery" and the like. This
> sounds like a bunch of guys who had much fun in the studio.
Thanks for the segue Julian...Speaking of a bunch of guys having much fun
in the studio, I finally got off the fence and tried some of that Blue
Aeroplanes stuff. Whoeeeeee...."Rough Music" is jam packed with fun. A
great listen, and some masterful musicianship all around. Also got that
last Ocean Blue cd. Something about beneath the something. I like it.
But like there first album, I'll reserve it for those sleepless nights
when I stare at the ceiling.
> I certainly think Pat's proved his durability here; he's one of
> the few musicians who started in that post-punk/new wave explosion of
> the early eighties and continue to make meaningful music today.

> Well worth the import price...
If I can find it...(And the way I've been buying cds lately, I don't know
if I'll be able to afford -- Which isn't to say that I won't buy.)

That Which Is Matt

: That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down :
: He saw the shadow of an Average Man :
: Attempting the exceptional, and ran." --W.H. Auden:
: :
: Matthew M.J. Fogel (mf94br[at] :

...Where cocaine is not expensive and the weapons are extensive and you
can buy yourself a gun to go... -- JBC, My Zeppelin