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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:16:53 +0059 (EDT)
From: MATTHEW M FOGEL <mf94br[at]>
Subject: Illuminate & Blue Aeroplanes & Zeppelins

On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, MATTHEW M FOGEL wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, MATTHEW M FOGEL wrote:
> > That Which Is Matt
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > : That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down :
> > : He saw the shadow of an Average Man :
> > : Attempting the exceptional, and ran." --W.H. Auden:
> > : :
> > : Matthew M.J. Fogel (mf94br[at] :
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ...Where cocaine is not expensive and the weapons are extensive and you
> > can buy yourself a gun to go... -- JBC, My Zeppelin
> Ya folks, your right. Pat does actually sing "Where Tequila's not
> expensive..." Cocaine is _always_ expensive. He He. I wasted bandwidth
> to flame first.
> Still That Which Is Matt
> <sig would be redundant>