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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 02:22:08 -0400
From: ethercat[at]
Subject: The Updated Tour List Rev. 3

These tour votes must be bringing people out of dark alleys, smokey
clubs, and other favorite haunts... C'mon, everyone! (How many people are
on this list, anyway?)

New votes:
- Cleveland
- Seattle, WA
- Ottawa, Canada!
- Florida
- Exeter, UK
- Australia (Brisbane?) this wasn't stated as a vote, Adrian H. D. Bell
asked if there were "any plans" for Australia, I suppose he'd like some...

Corrected vote:
- University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada, was - thanks Chris
for the geography lesson!)

- New York City!
- Albany, NY
- Edinburgh (or Bristol?)
- Atlanta!
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Chicago
- Hobart, Tasmania
- Columbus Ohio and/or Cincinnati
- How about Burlington, VT?
- mountain west (i.e. Salt Lake City, Denver, Boulder, Las Vegas, or Phoenix).
- Atlanta, GA -- The Point or Athens, GA -- 40 Watt Club (or even better
play either the UPTOWN or FIRST AVENUE in Minneapolis,MN on June 30 or 31 &
then MY WEDDING PARTY in St Paul on July 1st.)
