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Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 09:57:47 +0100 (BST)
From: Michael Whitworth <els043[at]>
Subject: more on pat and max

Just to add a few details: Max Eider was *excellent* - I'd never seen him
live before, and the songs from Distressed Gentlefolk and Best Kisser
worked better, to my mind, in these reduced versions than they do on the
albums. Can't remember what he opened with, but shortly afterwards he
jeopardised his indie cred by playing a Don Henley song. He did a version
("a song from Pat's 'cute' period") of Girls Who Keep Goldfish; also
Raking up the Leaves, and Who Loves You Now. The backing vocalist and
harmonica player looked like they were having a lot of fun: jazz dancing
behind Max's back.

Completely agree with Jonathan about Ubu Swirl - very Velvets, very
Spacemen 3 - I was on the verge of shouting out for Transparent Radiation.

The JBC: They were a little constrained by the size of the stage: they
didn't rock out as they did at last summer's Borderline gig. Pat looked
good in his suit, but got lost behind his shades (a bad decision), and the
whole gig felt slightly hurried (Blues For Dead Dean Reed at what seemed
like double tempo) and slightly impersonal: he didn't talk between songs
as much as at last year's Acoustic Conspiracy gigs, though there was a
good story about Pete Astor, a capo, and an adventurous german woman.
Dooj was more restrained than usual.

They opened with Rosemary Davis, the only song from Love Bus. Of the new
stuff they did: Cute Submarines, Scarlet, Ugliest Song in the World, When
Eno Sings, Blues for Dead Dean Reed. The song by the Austrian who lives
in the mountains was Stereo Queen by Wolfgang Tschegg, which Pat has been
doing in his solo gigs for a while: it's sounding better every time: he
should record it sometime.

Blue Aeroplanes on Saturday at The Garage: awesome. Four guitarists,
bassist, drummer, percussionist, keyboardist, dancer and poet. Nothing
at all from Rough Music, strangely, but quite a few from FriendLoverPlane
2. Last summer they sounded shaky, but now Rodney has returned the backing
vocals are in tune and they're looking very confident.