The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 22:46:17 -0500
From: de l`abattoir <del[at]>
Subject: Web Site

> The Jazz Butcher is currently being featured at "The Internet Nightclub,"
> which is a cross between light e-zine and heavy virtual nightclub. I have
> included the sound clip, "Partytime," which is taken from the Jazz Butcher
> Conspiracy home page. I have included a link to the JBC home page along
> with a short blurb about Pat Fish. Please take a few moments and view this
> site:

also - i will be in new york city the 20th through the 24th.
any new york inhabitants want to attempt to change my mind
about new york?
