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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 05:17:42 -0700
From: camus[at] (Julian Stewart)
Subject: I'm back...

Hi guys,

Just got back from my London trip last night. Had a great time and bought far
too much music, as usual.

Not much in the way of JBC news, however. I didn't see any news of a rescheduled
Borderline gig, and the venue itself had no idea when.

My big find was a new copy of "Fishcotheque," at Tower of all places, for less
than $12! Also, while perusing my friend's music collection, I came across
an old
cassette he had with both "Bath of Bacon" and "Scandal in Bohemia" on it.
I had him tape me a copy. It's great to be able to hear these records for the
first time.

Older JBC material on CD appears to be just as hard to find in London, as Matt
and others informed me. "Fishcotheque" was the oldest I found; other than that,
there were tons of _used_ copies of "Illuminate," a few copies of "BPSP" and
"Edward's Closet." I'm sure I went to at least 30 record shops in the course of
my search. The shop owners either a) looked at me somewhat strangely, or b) said
that any older JBC material which might come in usually is sold within the day.

That being said, I suppose I once again need to start stomping my feet on the
ground with the cry of "Reissues!"


julian stewart