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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 11:03:31 -0500
From: "Dave Zembower" <zembower[at]>
Subject: The Triffids

In message <v01510102abcc028003b9[at]-remove-[]> Per Stam writes:

> Apart from JBC, I quite like the obvious choices: GoBetweens (& post),
> Triffids (& post), Velvet, Orange Juice (&post - "I don't care for Quinn
> and Collins" he sang (Soul Happy Hour), but I do care), Jonathan Richman (&
> pre), Feelies, Felt and soul. And... and...

Triffids?? Triffids?? Did you say Triffids??

Never in my life have I run across another living soul who has heard of these
fellows. I bought Calenture back in the Winter of 1987 when it was released,
and it still receives a fair bit of play on my CD rack. Unfortunately, I never
heard another release from them, and wondered what ever happened to them. Any
news, old or new?

Dave Zembower