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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 08:51:01 -0800
From: camus[at] (Julian Stewart)
Subject: Illuminate

Does anyone know of a scheduled domestic release for "Illuminate"?
I've seen nothing through the end of April. Naturally, I'm not going to
hold out for a domestic release that may never happen; I've already pre-
ordered the import.

* In regards to the single, I've not had the chance to give it a
really good listen, but so far, I'd have to agree with opinions previously
expressed about "Surf Gear in Idaho" being the pick of the litter.

* I'm a bit disappointed that apparently, all these songs will be
on the album. Guess I'm too used to the "single and three bonus cuts" format.

* I'm wondering if any of the U.K. list subscribers would be able to
tell me which of Pat's albums are still in print over there? I'm hoping to
stock up when I make my visit (or at least to find "Fishcotheque").
