The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Thursday, September 9th 1999 936835200 (25 years 208 days ago)
Venue: Troubador
Location: Los Angeles California USA
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Max Eider ( guitar, vocals ) , Owen Jones ( drums, vocals ) , David J. ( bass ) , Kevin Haskins ( drums )
📷 Photos
Pat, Kevin, David, Max, Owen, Brian Kelly

📝 Pat Says

The presence of David J and Kevin Haskins (aka The Bowerhouse Brothers) leant something of a horror rock element to tonight's set.

With Kevin on the drums, Mister Jones was free to take on a free-ranging midfield role, playing keyboards, accordion, guitar and percussion as well as singing. After a more than somewhat messy soundcheck (we had had no opportunity to rehearse the full line-up for tonight) the actual show went really very smoothly, not least because of an incredibly supportive audience.

Surprise guests of the evening: Alan McGee and Ed Ball of Creation Records, who had just checked into their LA hotel when they discovered that we were playing. They blew out dinner with Rick Rubin to go to the show and had a great time. Later I said to our attorney "If he tries to sign us, I'm having him killed."

Quick as a flash my attorney replied: "If he tries to sign you he has to go through me."

Seriously, folks, don't be holding your breath. Remember - this is a band that doesn't exist.

We also received a visit from THE Caroline Wheeler, who is now resident in LA. Visit her fabrics shop at: California Mart, 110 East 9th St., Suite A-929, LA, Ca. 90079.

Once finally clear of the Troubadour we headed for the Powerhouse for margaritas, then further into the night, led by Doctor Crocodile, and finally back to Kevin's incredibly beautiful house for a quick drink that lasted half the night. A grand time was had by all.

Audience: About 500

Man Of The Match: Doctor Crocodile
Credit: ;;

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