The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Friday, April 8th 1994 765763200 (30 years 314 days ago)
Venue: The Mean Fiddler
Location: 24 High Street Harlesden, London England NW10
Admission: £5
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Dooj Wilkinson ( bass ) , Dave Henderson ( guitar ) , Gabriel Turner ( drums )
[poster for XX] Credit: Kevin Carroll


📝 Pat Says

♥ Reviews

In Pat's words, they had been together theoretically for a week, but in practice, since lunchtime. So anyway, it was good. I love the venue, and Pat seemed to be really comfortable there too. As usual, paying customers numbered about three. Pat brought a fairly hefty entourage down from Northampton, and the support acts had plenty of friends along for moral support too. The new look conspiracy was in experimental mode, and was less frenetic than the band I saw at The Powerhaus, which is probably no bad thing.
Credit: Matt Cockerill

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