The Jazz Butcher
Cien dias, cien anos... no say... soledad in Rossia... Moskow!
I think you're crazy.
No quiero muchas plata, senor, no, no quiero muchas plata; solamente la tierra. La onca - el gato blanco mas precioso...
Aggression... Extincion... He is poisoned and trapped;
He is shot from aeroplanes, and chased by riflemen on snowmobiles. EGGS OF EGGS! I think you're crazy. No quiero muchas plata, senor, no, no quiero muchas plata; solamente la tierra.
I think you're crazy. I think you're crazy. I think you're crazy.
I think you're crazy. I think you're crazy.
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Condition Blue
For all the pain and crap from which this record was made, the actual sessions were a gigantic and wonderful party. This was warmly received by The Outside World, less popular among those who counted themselves JBC afficionados. This IS the sound of me having fun, and getting me to do that in those dark days of mid-1991 was no small job.
The Jazz Butcher's Free Lunch
"You're not a band. You're a crack team of international restaurant critics" - Curtis E. Johnson
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30 second snippet