The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Friday, June 14th 2002 1024012800 (22 years 138 days ago)
Venue: Saigon Bar
Event: 20th anniversay tour
Location: Lammstrasse 8 Nüremberg Germany
Telephone: 244 8657
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Max Eider ( guitar, vocals ) , Owen Jones ( drums, vocals ) , Steve Valentine ( bass )
📷 Photos
2002Jun14_nuremburg1 2002Jun14_nuremburg3 2002Jun14_nuremburg4 2002Jun14_nuremburg5 2002Jun14_nuremburg6 2002Jun14_nuremburg7
Credit: Brian Kelly



part of 20th anniversary tour


Lammstrasse 8
Tel. (local) 244 8657
Credit: pat

♥ Reviews

JBC 20th Anniversary Tour Travelogue - Day 7
June 14, 2002
- read Brian's full tour report here

It is incredible how different each and every day is.

I woke up this morning and realized that I'd only been in Germany a week! It seems like so much longer...not in a bad way, it's just that so much goes down day to day.

We left Munich and took the short jaunt back to Nuremburg. This time, Crouchy was with us...making the crowded bus even more crowded...but, the more the merrier with the JBC.

The club... how shall I say it? Well, it made the bus seem positively spacious. But, with the JBC it's roll up your sleeves and get to it. After sound check, our hostess du jour, Katarina (an old friend of Owen's) took us for a stroll en route to get dinner. We went walking through the garden of a castle that overlooks the city...and me without my camera, grrr...but it was gorgeous. We all just sort of strolled in silence, soaking in the beautiful surroundings.

For dinner, we sat outside a small cafe, and while my vegetarian comrades ordered Camenbert and potato pancakes, I felt compelled comrades ordered Camenbert and potato pancakes, I felt compelled to try the ostrich. I didn't even know people ate ostrich. Pretty much like steak. Good, and curiosity satisfied.

The show was great, and the owner, Stefan (this sort of Gregarious Fabio) was soooooo pleased. Many free beers for the band...Kathy, Katarina and I practically had to drag the boys from the bar, but not before Stefan had smuggled them a bottle of strawberry vodka for the road.

We returned to Katarina's flat, where the combined presence of vodka & Crouchy ensured that the party continue on well into the morning...

Credit: Brian Kelly

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Sweet Jane (Lou Reed)
Credit: Brian Kelly
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