The Jazz Butcher
Fri, Jan 4th 2002 9:00pm
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
Sat, Jan 5th 2002
@ The Garage
Highbury Corner
London England
Highbury Corner
London England
Tue, Jan 15th 2002
@ The 12 Bar Club
26 Denmark Street
London England W1
26 Denmark Street
London England W1
Thu, Jan 31st 2002
@ The Boat Race
Cambridge England
Cambridge England
![[pat notes]](https://v1.jazzbutcher.com/images/iconPat.gif)
Fri, Mar 29th 2002
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
Sat, Mar 30th 2002
@ The Packhorse
Leeds England LS1
Leeds England LS1
Thu, Apr 18th 2002
@ The Packhorse
Leeds England LS1
Leeds England LS1
Sun, Apr 28th 2002
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
Mon, Jun 3rd 2002
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
Tue, Jun 11th 2002
@ The Onion
Hamburg Germany
Hamburg Germany
![[pat notes]](https://v1.jazzbutcher.com/images/iconPat.gif)
Thu, Jun 13th 2002
20th anniversay tour
@ Club 2
Munich Germany
Munich Germany
Fri, Jun 14th 2002
20th anniversay tour
@ Saigon Bar
Lammstrasse 8
Nüremberg Germany
Lammstrasse 8
Nüremberg Germany
Sat, Jun 15th 2002
20th anniversay tour
@ Elfenbein
Niederwall 37-39
Bielefeld Germany 33602
Niederwall 37-39
Bielefeld Germany 33602
Sun, Jun 16th 2002 9:00pm
20th anniversay tour
@ Au Casino
Doorniksewijk 31
Kortrijk Belgium
Doorniksewijk 31
Kortrijk Belgium
Tue, Jun 18th 2002
20th anniversay tour
@ Klein Stadhuis
Ypres Belgium
Ypres Belgium
Sat, Jun 22nd 2002
20th anniversay tour
@ Logo
Grindelallee 5
Hamburg Germany 20146
Grindelallee 5
Hamburg Germany 20146
Sun, Aug 25th 2002
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
![[poster for 2002/Aug25.html]](/images/20020825/20020825_poster_250.jpg
Fri, Sep 20th 2002
@ The Roadmender
Abington Square
Northampton England
Abington Square
Northampton England
![[pat notes]](https://v1.jazzbutcher.com/images/iconPat.gif)
![[poster for 2002/Sep20.html]](/images/20020920/20020920_poster_250.jpg
Sat, Sep 21st 2002
@ Private Party
Builth Wells Wales
Builth Wells Wales
![[pat notes]](https://v1.jazzbutcher.com/images/iconPat.gif)
![[poster for 2002/Sep21.html]](/images/20020921/20020921_poster_250.jpg
Sat, Oct 12th 2002
@ The Roadmender
Abington Square
Northampton England
Abington Square
Northampton England
![[poster for 2002/Oct12.html]](/images/20021012/20021012_poster_250.jpg
Sat, Oct 26th 2002
Private party
@ Northamptonshire Cricket Club
Northampton England
Northampton England
![[pat notes]](https://v1.jazzbutcher.com/images/iconPat.gif)
Sun, Dec 8th 2002
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
![[poster for 2002/Dec8.html]](/images/20021208/20021208_poster_250.jpg
Fri, Dec 27th 2002
Love Music, Hate Racism Charity Event
@ The Racehorse
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1
15 Abington Square
Northampton England NN1