The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Tuesday, June 18th 2002 1024358400 (22 years 290 days ago)
Venue: Klein Stadhuis
Event: 20th anniversay tour
Location: Ypres Belgium
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Max Eider ( guitar, vocals ) , Owen Jones ( drums, vocals ) , Steve Valentine ( bass )
📷 Photos
2002Jun18_stadhuis 2002Jun18_JBC1 2002Jun18_JBC2 2002Jun18_JBC3 2002Jun18_JBC4 2002Jun18_JBC5 2002Jun18_JBC6 2002Jun18_JBC7 2002Jun18_max 2002Jun18_pat1 2002Jun18_want_some 2002Jun18_pat2 2002Jun18_pat_max 2002Jun18_perfect 2002Jun18_pot 2002Jun18_cunts 2002Jun18_max_owen_baby_postshow 2002Jun18_max_owen_postshow
Credit: Brian Kelly


part of 20th anniversary tour
Credit: pat

♥ Reviews

JBC 20th Anniversary Tour Travelogue - Day 11
June 18, 2002
- read Brian's full tour report here

Owen's Birthday and the gig in Ypres. I sang Owen the ComedySportz birthday song, which he enjoyed (I guess if you've never heard it before, it's still funny). We watched football (Italy vs. South Korea) which was (apparently) the most exciting game of the cup thus far (overtime, with Korea pulling it out with a beautiful header in the final minutes). Okay...I confess, I have taken the most PASSING interest in the sport. It's the obsession here, so...when in Rome, or Belgium as the case may be....

A cat had had kittens in the shed. The runt of the litter, the cutest & friendliest, Owen named 'Corea'(sic) for the victors in that morning's cup. Lengthy debate was held as to the logistics of bringing the kitten on the bus back to Hamburg. In the end, Owen thinks he will go back in a few month's time, and retrieve the tiny cutie.

We went to the venue, situated right next to the cathedral, and got set up. Another outdoor show...more punters, and even more passersby. This was a two-set deal, and the first set, found Pat a bit reserved. He was disconcerted by the huge number of people, yet the mere smattering of applause. We informed him that everyone was drinking, and therefore, no one had hands free to clap. Armed with this information (not to mention Pat finding some kind of undisclosed inspiration in-between sets), the band launched into the second half in high gear, filling the square with the 'ROCK show'...a far cry from the more pop-flavored garden show of two nights before. Beers were being dropped in favor of clapping and cheering. This was the sound of the band having fun, and Pat in particular going positively MENTAL. Needless to say, the band went after the post-show festivities with a similar fervor to that of the show itself. Max nearly had to drag Steve from the pub at the end of it. We left Jean Pierre DJ-ing the night away.

We gave Owen his birthday cake and gift, complete with card (which I illustrated) signed by all. We had cake, listened to music, and basically gave the rooster next door a dose of his own medicine, waking him up at an unGodly hour.

Credit: Brian Kelly

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Sister Death
Credit: Brian Kelly
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