The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Friday, September 18th 1987 558921600 (37 years 187 days ago)
Venue: The Groovy Fishtank
Location: Sheffield England
Admission: £1:50
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
Soundboard, Quality: 6 (out of 10), Performance: C (except for Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present , which is an A)
[poster for XX] Credit: Johnny P.

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Grey Flannelette
2. Doris Stokes
3. Spooky (Hirsch, Shapiro, Middlebrooks)
4. Only A Rumour
5. Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present
6. Vienna Song
7. Over The Rainbow (Arlen/Hamburg)
8. Angels
9. Olof Palme
10. Zombie Love
11. After Hours (Velvet Underground)
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