The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Lyrics Girls Say Yes


Girls Say Yes
She bends her head just right; so very gracefully.
Everybody's watching her; everybody smiles.
Those special lights shine hot on her bare shoulders.
She never felt so happy in her life.

Abdicating, letting go... consent... success!
I've seen the future and it's birdlike
When girls say "yes".

Sometimes she walks like she's stepping right off an airplane.
Sometimes she don't walk at all - she just fall down.
She thinks so incredibly fast; she'll change the subject too.
She thinks so incredibly well of you.

She takes you out to the movies.
She knows you never ever go.
Still everything is copy, yeah every little helps

you know, like newspaper "copy"
When girls say "no".

Now you were so beautiful and mine that I couldn't believe it.
Hey it was almost brooklyn; it was almost impossible, you see?
But when I walked down the strip arm in arm with you I was terrified.
As we walked down the strip arm in arm, temporarily.

Now my heart don't want to let you go
And the hole in the roof is a mess
You got to watch for the exit wounds
When girls say "yes".

When girls say yes.
When girls say yes.
Don't try, don't try.
When girls say yes.

Now one night I dreamed I died and went to Beverly Hills.
My own little piece of Hollywood and the space that it fills
Now one night I dreamed I died and went to Beverly Hills.
My own little piece of Hollywood, and the space that it fills.
Just one Saturday in heaven.
Maybe it's always Saturday in heaven.
It's just one big Saturday in heaven.
And you'll have time enough at last when you're in heaven.

"Time Enough At Last" - Harlan Ellison-scripted Twilight Zone episode title
(I know who the director was, too)

Found On

Buy These Records
Condition Blue
For all the pain and crap from which this record was made, the actual sessions were a gigantic and wonderful party. This was warmly received by The Outside World, less popular among those who counted themselves JBC afficionados. This IS the sound of me having fun, and getting me to do that in those dark days of mid-1991 was no small job.
[Condition Blue cover thumbnail]
creation_records, sky_records LP;CD
¡Excellent! The Violent Years
Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Today the Galileo Space Probe orbits mighty planet Jupiter. The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy first appeared in June 1982 in the back room of the Black Lion in Northampton. They finally drank the bar dry in a small town in in Mallorca on the 20th August 1996
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VA: Creation Price
Contribution: Girls Say Yes
The Creation Records Promotion Sampler, Distribution Sony Music
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The Violent Years
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Pat Says

The Butcher Says..
I love this one. It has TONE.

Live Stats

24 documented performances (click to explore)
1989 1 (JBC)
1991 2 (JBC)
1992 16 (JBC)
1993 1 (Pat Solo)
2001 2 (JBC)
2005 2 (Pat Solo)


1 Recorded Live Performances
1992-04-26 Cat's Cradle - Chapel Hill, USA
Credit: David Whittemore