The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Lyrics Big Bad Thing


Big Bad Thing
Well I got off the ship looking for a new kind of cooking
But the only thing I found was this
It's a different kind of weather altogether
And I never got the horrors like I got from this

Ah, jump back, dump that scratch it out and leave it flat
I'm not sure this is going to work out.
It's a big bad thing and it's made out of tin
And I'd like to be told just what it's all about
So I lose all my bearings, can't find where I live,
Now I'm standing at this door
A being from another planet opens up the door
And says: yeeeessss?
Vhat You Vhant?

Now I refuse to believe it could possibly breathe
The same atmosphere as me
I try to be polite and say I made a mistake
Bu the trouble is I'm shaking like a Christmas tree
So here I am on the doorstep or somewhere or other
I'm trying to communicate, I don't know why I bother
The conversation's limited to say the very least
It's always: yes?
Vhat You Vhant?
I wanna get out of here (questions and answers)
Vhat You Vhant?
I wanna get out of here (questions and answers)

So here come's the thing that isn't a thing
Running down the line when the telephone rings
Here comes a voice that I'm learning to dread
It's in my head!
Vhat You Vhant?
I wanna get out of here (questions and answers)
It's just too damned tough
I got C.I.D. protection, but that just isn't enough.
Mummamammamow. Bye-bye

Vhat You Vhant?

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Live Stats

3 documented performances (click to explore)
1989 1 (JBC)
1990 2 (JBC)