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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 15:26:41 +1000
From: adbell[at]
Subject: Please include me in your mailing List

I would like to be included your mailing list.

I have tried the WWW server http://
that is listed on the "Illuminate" Album. - but can't connect for reasons
unknown to me. Is this still the right address?

Also, is there any way to get the early Glass records music (Sex & Travel,
Scandal in Bohemia etc) on CD? I know Glass went under a few years ago but
maybe Creation could consider re-release.Their quite different to the later
music on Creation, but still brilliant.

Finally, any plans for some JBC in Australia? It would be long overdue and
well appreciated.

Many thanks for the great music.

* _____ __ __________
* / ) __) ___ | Adrian H. D. Bell adbell[at]
* / / |_ |_ |_ | Fax: +61 7 862 3115
/ ___/ _____)|_________| Brisbane, AUSTRALIA