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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 12:54:45 +0100 (MET)
From: datk01[at] (GUD !)
Subject: Best of...

The Very Best of ...

Hmm, sounds like a bad title for an album (havent we heard that one before??)

However, it COULD be interesting to know peoples opinions about Pats songs.
When I think about it, I am afraid that there would be alot of songs from
many of the new albums - Love Bus & Cond Blue - and not that many from his
old albums, even though I think that the oldies are the best !!!

But songs like Marnie and Roadrunner are not the kind of "hits" that would
get on such an album. Its more songs like Pineaple Tuesday, Gilrs Say Yes,
Angel Station - songs who could make a single of their own today - I would
put on such a record.

Not that I dont like the old songs - but I like them as RECORDS, not as
individual songs.

Well, something to think about; Would somebody - please - make me change my mind.

- Nic.