The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Monday, July 10th 1989 616032000 (35 years 236 days ago)
Venue: Cookie's
Location: Frankfurt Germany
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
Soundboard, Quality: 9 (out of 10), Performance: B

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Baby Sister (Lou Reed)
2. Living in a Village
3. Olof Palme
4. Moscow Drug Club (B. B. Gabor)
5. Southern Mark Smith
6. What's The Matter, Boy?
7. Girl-Go
8. Bigfoot Motel
9. Partytime
10. Zombie Love
11. Soul Happy Hour
12. Hysteria
13. Angels
14. Chickentown
15. Hollow Girl (Charlie Baldonado)
16. Leaving It Up To You (John Cale)
Encore 1
1. Spooky (Hirsch, Shapiro, Middlebrooks)
2. Purple Rain (Prince)
3. Rain
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