The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

Jazz Butcher Mailing List

From: T.Smith <>
Date: Fri 26 Apr 2002 - 08:47:32 PDT

Dear JBC conspiracy,

Please could you put me on the Jazz Butcher mailing list.

If Pat is involved with the website, which it looks like he is, please pass on my warmest regards.

I lived in Northampton between 80-84 and was quite friendly with him. I lost touch really as his career took off, and I went to Middlesex Poly to study drama. I even have a couple of the original Glass recordings.

We got drunk on numerous occasions and even, performed together a couple of times. Once after drinking all daywe ad libbed a really crap Russian style folk song, with me wearing a black scarf tied round my chin and a black trilby at the Dearngate Centre.  I am not sure now how we managed to persuade anyone to let us onto the stage! Afterwards we were so skint and pissed that we tried to make cocktails with some perfume we'd found on the floor and leftover drinks.

The second time was under the psuedonym of the 'Psychodelic Surfbords' at the excellent Black Lion. It was an all-day, bank holiday gig with an extended bar from 11am to 12 pm. We played mid-afternoon it was hot, people were already pissed and the place was heaving. We'd made the name up because it sounded fun, but funnily enough lots of people turned up to hear us even though they didn't know who we were. Pat was playing the drums, Eddie Stanton a local minor star was on stage, paralytic, miming with his guitar. The vocalist was a guy called Richard.... who played in a band called Magnolia Siege, with me, and I played guitar. Can't remember the others.

We started off with New Rose by the Damned, followed up with Motorhead, at this stage, there was so much dancing that the dj's equipment got knocked off the table and we had to stop. After another couple of songs one of which I think was Pretty Vacant, there was so mayhem that the organisers made us stop. Good times.

The last time I saw Pat was either at the Hammersmith Palais, or a venue whose name escapes me in Bristol. Ahhh that's right The Tropic I think. The changing room was a derelict toilet. (I think both times were in 1986).

I could go on, but it is nearly time to go home from work. Anyway, give Pat my warmest regards and tell him to look me up if he is ever up in Sheffield doing a gig. It would be good to buy him a pint or seven and catch up.

Warmest regards,

Tony Smith
research Fellow
School of Health and Related Research
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
Sheffield S1 1AY
Tel: 00 44 114 222 0708 Received on Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:47:32 +0100