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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:11:41 -0500
From: "Dave Zembower" <zembower[at]>
Subject: Most common "J" bands in used bins

In my neverending yet fruitless search for older JBC discs at used record stores
(well, not completely fruitless, I did find my copy of Fishcotheque used two
years ago), I am stunned at the repetition of the same shitty CDs in the used
bins, no matter the record store. Stuff I keep running across...

Sass Jordon (who the hell is this?)
Joe Jackson (usually something like Big World or Jumpin Jive)
Jackyl (?)
Jesus Jones (all three albums, although I did like their first, "Liquidizer")
Judas Priest (seen quite a few copies of British Steel lately)
Jefferson Airplane (guess the boomers got tired of livin' in the 60's, huh?)

Well, those are the ones that strike me as being the most common. Sass Jordon
really stands out as the loser of the decade, judging by the multiple copies
that people felt necessary to clean out of their collections.

BTW, local JBC sightings...

Big Planet Scarey Planet: one copy of CD, new
Waiting for the Love Bus: two copies of CD, new
Fishcotheque: one copy of cassette, used
Cult of the Basement: one copy of cassette, used

All this, in the teeming metropolis of Rochester, Minnesota!! God, I can't wait
the next seven weeks until I move to Chicago!! :)

Dave Zembower