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Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 23:30:36 -0700
From: camus[at] (Julian Stewart)
Subject: hoagy carmichael

>well, i exhumed my copy of david j's "urban urbane" this morning
>("etiquette of violence" has been my favorite by dj since i picked it
>up last year, so i haven't listened much to his other stuff since -
>anyway...). the last track is called "hoagy carmichael never went to
>new orleans." on the jbc "waiting for the love bus" there is a line
>(in "sweetwater") that goes "and hoagy carmichael never came here
>dave." my question is, "who is hoagy carmichael?" any help? thanks
>in advance. - drew

Hoagy Carmichael was an American songwriter, who did most of his
best-known work in the thirties. He wrote standards like, "Stardust,"
"Georgia On My Mind," and "I Get Along Without You Very Well."

A pretty good example of Carmichael's style can be seen in Tom Waits' early
work, particularly the album, "Heart of Saturday Night."


julian stewart