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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 21:25:34 -0700
From: philos[at] (John Dylan Cooper)
Subject: Illuminate

> The cover photo is the same as that of the single - a woman with candles
> on all of her fingers, and on her head. Get it? Illuminate?

It is the same photo. But on the single, it's out of focus, while on the
album, it's sharp.

I just got both in the mail from CDnow ( I ordered both
because never before have I seen a CD single for a current album composed
entirely of tracks _also found on the album_...go figure!

I haven't listened to them yet because I'm delaying gratification in order
to intensify it. (Tells you something about me, doesn't it?)

More later.

Seattle, Washington, USA