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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 15:57:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: river[at] (River)
Subject: Angels

Camfield,Chris wrote:
> Perhaps I'm being brutally stupid about this, but is Angels about someone
> whose loved one has just died? Am I real slow or way off in left field?
> It's just the lines "They're bearing you up, they're holding you up" that
> make me think of someone being perhaps lifted up to heaven? And then "I
> want to hold you in my arms" (but can't).
> It's possible that listening to Sister Death around the same time had
> something to do with this thought. :-)
> Chris
You know, I'm not sure about its meaning either, but I *really* love
this song. I have the single and once I put it on the turntable I
have to play it about ten times in a row. Use it quite often to
prove to disbelievers just what an amazing guitarist the Jazz Butcher
is. (*smiling sigh*)
The act is beautiful if it provokes, and in our hearts reveals, song.
* - Jean Genet

The act is beautiful if it provokes, and in our hearts reveals, song.
* - Jean Genet