The Jazz Butcher
Etc | Mailing List
[By Subject] [By Date] [By Sender]
10 Jan, 1992
- condition blue (20)
- condition blue (16)
- 7 Feb, 1992 The Fish (26)
- 15 Feb, 1992 News (7)
18 Feb, 1992
- My Bloody Valentine (15)
- i just got it... (18)
- 19 Feb, 1992 i just got it... (22)
20 Feb, 1992
- No Subject Given (50)
- annoying songs... (27)
- 21 Feb, 1992 Condition Blue (17)
- 25 Feb, 1992 yo-yo (17)
- 26 Feb, 1992 condition blue (8)
16 Mar, 1992
- Pat's Pet Projects (21)
- what about Max? (13)
- 1 Apr, 1992
- 6 Apr, 1992 JBC World Domination Tour Dates (73)
- 8 Apr, 1992 16 days (22)
- 9 Apr, 1992 The Downer Set (20)
- 2 May, 1992 live from wyckoff, NJ. (22)
- 3 May, 1992 death death death (11)
- 4 May, 1992 the tour (10)
- 5 May, 1992 da JBC tour (30)
- 8 May, 1992 with labelmates like this... (41)
- 21 May, 1992
- 22 May, 1992 the JBC in bton (17)
- 30 May, 1992 New Orleans (9)
- 1 Jun, 1992 Jazz Butcher (12)
- 2 Jun, 1992 Jazz Butcher (16)
3 Jun, 1992
- saw the show in SF (60)
- updated tour dates (82)
- 11 Jun, 1992 JBC News (21)
- 13 Jun, 1992 two things (23)
- 18 Jun, 1992 Thats entertainment (14)
- 22 Jun, 1992
- 23 Jun, 1992 "the highlander hotel" (13)
- 24 Jun, 1992 Black Eg (31)
- 13 Jul, 1992 JBC-list archives (32)
- 15 Jul, 1992 jbc tour 92 (55)
- 16 Jul, 1992 The Butcher Meets the Prince of Darkness (38)
- 29 Oct, 1992 JBC day (8)
- 11 Nov, 1992 pat (22)
- 20 Dec, 1992 jbc-list on hold (16)