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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1992
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Date: Sat, 2 May 92 22:31:00 -0500
From: del[at] (de l`abattoir)
Subject: live from wyckoff, NJ.

the JBC are in NYC this evening playing two shows (10pm & 1am) at tramps,
rioting aside.

the tour so far has been, in a word fuckinggreat.
too bad no one has shown up for the gigs, though. about
80 people per night. it is picking up some here on the
east coast. _yo-yo_ is even being pushed on philadelphia radio.

my job has gone pretty well - making recordings of the shows
i attend. the set is, as promised, death death death.
the new band are young and very talented.
peter crouch, the geetarist, evens attempts some eider twiddlings..

i sound like a complete dolt, so it ends here.
i will check back in as i can.


"i expect to see the UFO in some equadorian jungle
in the World Weekly News" - pat fish