We shall not be coming to America or Canada in 1994.We are simply NOT getting the support of record companies in that part of the world, especially in Canada, where Sony are showing no sign of either (i) Intelligence, or (ii) Any desire to make money out of anything ever. This we can only put down to a virulent case of Corporate Mentality. Never mind.
We are, actually, slightly re-assured that the problems stem from the arrangement that Sony have entered into with Creation Records. We are afraid that the problems were beginning with a lack of interest in London, which then radiated out to places where it would undermine whatever work we had done ourselves.
Now, however, it appears that Creation Records have been experiencing these difficulties with Sony over a number of artists and in a number or territories. The point of this is that it IS something that Creation Records are trying to sort out. Thus, we can at least count on them in this situation. Likewise, we know that something IS being done. It could have been worse, guys.
Next LP, at least we will know what we are up against, and prepare in advance. Further, we should look at a simultaneous release Here and There, which will enable us to move a lot more quickly and co-ordinatedly. This wasn't possible last time, because Waiting For The Love Bus came out here before the Sony Thing was fully set up. next time, we shan't waste so much time.
It's been a long time since Love Bus came out here. If we can't take it round North America right now, then we might as well get in and record a new LP.And that is what we're going to do. We've got the money off Creation Records, and the studio is booked. We go in on 16th October. Release is planned for the end of January. We should be moving into Europe around March '95, and then go on more or less directly to North America. (Pretty much a copy of the schedule for Fishcotheque) The live band will do the "core" of the LP, with help from the Provisional Members. Musical Direction will be down to me; mixing will be done by David J. .
We shall be playing at The Boat Race, Cambridge, England on 7th October 1994. After we finish the LP, in mid-November, we are aiming for a few European dates to take us up to Christmas.The JBC Christmas Party will take place in December at Slurps, Northampton. They will have a proper music license by then, so it will be a full-band-and-guests spectacular.