The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Wednesday, November 12th 2014 6:00pm 1415815200 (10 years 124 days ago)
Venue: RTVE - Radio Televisión Española - Radio 3 with Julio Ruiz
Event: Live on the air with Julio Ruiz
Location: Madrid Spain
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
πŸ“· Photos
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πŸ“ Pat Says

Live on the air with Julio Ruiz, the "Espanish John Peel". National radio, six in the evening. He played lots of tunes from Gentleman Adventurers. I played "Melanie Hargreaves' Father's Jaguar" and "Girlfriend". For the interview I had an interpreter. At one point she failed to translate whatever Julio said but it involved the words "Kevin Ayers, Lou Reed, Bob Dylan..." I enjoyed that bit, though, now I come to think about it, he was probably saying "This bloke is not as good as..."
Credit: ;;

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. The Interview
2. Melanie Hargreaves' Father's Jaguar
2. Melanie Hargreaves' Father's Jaguar
3. Girlfriend
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