The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Sunday, May 3rd 2009 7:30pm 1241379000 (15 years 299 days ago)
Venue: The Roadmender
Location: Abington Square Northampton England
Admission: £5:00
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
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Credit: Jonny Trotsky



Solo electric

Opening for the I-Saws, for whom I shall also be blowing a little bit of sax

ISAWS + me + No Truth

Doors for this show are at seven o'clock. First act on around half past seven. I shall play around a quarter past eight. Yes, I shall be playing sax on a couple of tunes with the ISAWS. Yes, they are going to cover The Jazz Butcher Meets Count Dracula. Yes, I shall be singing it. Yes, they really do play it about 6 times faster than I have ever heard it played before.
Credit: pat

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