The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Saturday, May 21st 2005 8:30pm 1116707400 (19 years 281 days ago)
Venue: The Labour Club (Website)
Location: 95-97 Charles St Northampton England NN1 3BG
Admission: free
Wilson Headstone ( Pat Fish ) ( guitar, vocals ) , Misery Wilson ( Kathy Schaer ) ( bass ) , B-Man ( Ian Botterill ) ( MC ) , Agent Wilson ( Russell Cooper ) ( percussion ) , G-Man ( Steve Gordon ) ( stratocaster )


Wilson play live at the Labour Club, Northampton NN1 on Saturday 21st May 2005. It's free. Support to be confirmed.

Wilson have invented a horrible new kind of music called Battle Garage.

WILSON plus acoustic support and top tunes it's all free from 8:30pm
Credit: pat

📝 Pat Says

Well, that all turned out for the best, then. Curtis E. Johnson delivered a super opening set, huge fat guitar and lots of backchat. He played that fantastic new song, "Snapshot", which should really make all decent Northamptonians stop what they are doing and weep like newborns. The crowd just kept on swelling and the place was packed for Wilson. The bass was coming up through the floorboards and thrashing about was the order of the day. Somehwere in there Video Tim was recovering from his encounter with a naughty policewoman. Drinks went over. Bot went over. A top night all round. Thanks to everybody at the Labour Club!
Credit: ;;

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