The Jazz Butcher
Live Performance
Thursday, November 8th
(34 years 150 days ago)
Venue: The Diamond
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Venue: The Diamond
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
⭐ With
Pat Fish
guitar, vocals
Laurence O'Keefe
bass, vocals
Paul Mulreany
Julian Poole
Alex Green
♥ Reviews
days on tour work into a simple regime: up around 8, sample the hotels coffee and on the road by 8h30 for a 5 hour drive. unload the bus, soundcheck for about an hour, peruse the local eateries and relax until the show begins. whereas the JBC stay in hotel and drive during the day, the BA drive directly through the night in the rock-n-roll chicken (the damned thing has huge flying eagles painted all over it much to the JBC bemusement!) and wake up in the next town. the hotel was full of teenagers with black tee-shirts waiting to get a glimpse of AC/DC who were staying a few floors up. laurence (the stubborn JBC bass player) managed to sleep in too late and the hotel management insisted that we pay for another day. "they check in... but they cant check out!" the JBC do not particularly like canada. it takes $23 to fill the car with gas. *i* do not particularly like canada.Credit: David Whittemore
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