The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Sunday, November 11th 1990 658281600 (34 years 147 days ago)
Venue: Paradise
Location: Boston Massachusetts USA
⭐ With
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Laurence O'Keefe ( bass, vocals ) , Paul Mulreany ( drums ) , Julian Poole ( guitar ) , Alex Green ( Saxophone )
Quality: 9 (out of 10), Performance: B+, Interest: A (out of 10), Generation: 1, NTSC VHS
📷 Photos
1990Nov11_pat 1990Nov11_alex
Credit: David Whittemore

♥ Reviews

the best gig i saw. the room was full of video equipment from rough trade who tape both shows. i begin filming for the Pineapple Tuesday video. pat agrees with my assessment that it is a traffic tune. by now, the JBC/BA (or JBAC as pat calls it) join each other on stage for their last tunes. Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present turns into a giant frenzy with Alex Lee and angelo from the BA on guitars and pat dancing around like a las vegas entertainer with his microphone. this *is* what he lives for.
Credit: David Whittemore

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