The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

20th Anniversary gigs

From: Andreas Ott <>
Date: Sun 19 May 2002 - 04:32:51 PDT

planning to see The JBC in germany next month there are some questions I hope anyone can help me with :  

I would like to see the JBC at Hamburgs Onion Club on June 11th - anyone jas any info on the club ?
what time will the JBC play ?
will there be one or two performances - the website mentions something about
midnight and that the club will stay open late .. I´m asking cause I have to work on that day and the day after so if I can go depends what stage time they will be up and if it will be late after midnight
so i can make it back in time for work ( its a 300 km drive from where I live )    

which club will they play in Bielefeld on June 15th ?      

andreas     Received on Sun, 19 May 2002 13:32:51 +0200