The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

too heavy

From: <>
Date: Mon 23 Aug 1999 - 14:21:19 PDT

Blimey (quaint english expression) its all been getting a bit too heavy in here recently!

Thought I'd cheer people up by highlighting the revival of Peter Astor (ex Loft/Weather Prophets/solo creation artist and indeed occasional Conspirator) who in similar fashion to Pat had been pretty much forgotten about in the UK.  Then after releasing a few low key 7" singles on various obscure labels under a variety of guises, puts a compilation of these singles out to receive more publicity than he has had for practically a decade - decent review in the NME and Select, 8/10 in the Times (of all places) and recommended buy in the Independent. So go out there and buy The Wisdom of Harry and dream - it could be Pat next! Maybe the true independents are on the way back. Hope the US dates are as good as everyone expects - all the best! Bye
Iain Received on Mon Aug 23 14:39 PDT 1999