The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Re: A Momus Among Us

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Thu 01 Jul 1999 - 17:57:05 PDT

if you ever have the chance to see momus live, do so. it might split your head open. more than anyone else i've seen live, he really fucks with roles - in his songs and between himself and the audience. quite remarkably memorable.

and the guy answers his email.

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Knight H. Berman, Jr. wrote:

> Speaking of the perplexing Nick Currie, what a great website thing he's got
> going! If you haven't checked it out, this guy Momus is a pretty right-on
> songwriter who posts a lot of info on his site...essays he's written,
> lyrics, ponderings, tour diaries etc. It may seem somewhat self-serving,
> but it's always informative and interesting. Kind of a really extravagant
> online journal/continuing history type deal.
> How cool would it be to see a similar Jazz Butcher area of Mr. Whittemore's
> site, with Pat's stuff up song files, etc? Ah the new age
> ushers in so many possibilities....
> >how about patronage pop?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Scott wrote:
> >With the above fat price for Jazz Butcher music, perhaps Mistah Fish could
> >consider how many classical composers financed their compositions by selling
> >"subscriptions" prior to publication to their die-hard fans.

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d v d    d l  dj ct v  c m          dj ct v  c m s d sw p  c m 700w st c m    
Received on Thu Jul 1 18:07:32 1999